One Tablet Ground Ginger
One Tablet Ground Ginger
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트루나스 생강한알
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- Ingredients: 100% Korean ginger without any preserves
- Convenience: Saves cooking prep time
Net Weight: 0.71 oz (20g). There are about 34-36 ground Korean ginger tablets per pack.
Storage Method: Store in a cool and dry place, avoid exposure to air. Refrigerate after opening.
Allergen Information: This product is made at a facility that also processes tomato, soybean, wheat, buckwheat, chicken, beef, clams.
Product delivered to you will be at least two months from expiration date unless on sale.
The use of ginger shouldn’t be limited to holiday baking, gingerbread house making, and gingersnap crusts. It is a star ingredient in many main courses in Korea and Asian countries including Japan and India as you can see it pickled, as an accompaniment to sushi, and used with chickpeas in classic Indian dishes chana masala or chicken tikka masala. More recently people found a creative way to use it in chocolates, hot cereals for tangy breakfast or refreshing salad dressings.
You know many applications of ginger now. What about finding a fresh, clean ginger and peeling it? One Tablet Ground Ginger is your answer. Drop one spoon of water onto a tablet. Clean, freshly ground Korean ginger will be ready on your cooking station. It is freeze-dried and has no additives or chemicals.
요리에서는 생강을 사용하는 경우가 정말 많지요. 연말에 진저브래드 하우스를 만들거나 베이킹 할 때 뿐만 아니라 멀리는 인도의 치킨티카마살라에서 한식 여러 요리에 쓸 수 있는 훌륭한 식재료지요. 요새는 초콜릿에 색다른 맛을 낼 때나 톡 쏘는 샐러드 드레싱으로도 자주 소개됩니다.
깨끗한 생강을 골라 껍질을 까고, 칼로 다지는 과정은 번거롭지요. 이제 생강한알만 있으면 한알씩 편리하게, 맛있게, 빠르게 요리를 완성할 수 있습니다. 100% 한국산 생강을 동결건조한 생강한알에 물 한스푼만 넣어주면 싱싱한 다진생강으로 변신하지요. 본 재료의 맛과 향, 영양을 그대로 보존하는 동결건조 방식을 사용합니다. 집 부엌에서의 활용도가 매우 좋아 재구매율이 특히 높아요. 오늘부터는 생강 손질 마시고, 냉장고에 생강한알만 준비해보세요.
Trunas is an expert of freeze-dried technology. After serving many years in public service, Dr. Sung-Sik Kim joined his wife’s company Trunas as CEO and started expanding product offerings. In addition to One Tablet Natural Seasoning, the company also produces diverse products including freeze-dried fruit snacks popular among kids, and freeze-dried garlic that make cooking very easy.
우리나라에 동결건조기법을 처음으로 사용한 기업 중 하나인 (주)트루나스는 깨끗한 남한강 유역에 자리한 동결건조전문회사입니다. 공직에 있던 김성식 박사가 부인이 창업한 회사에 대표로 취임하면서 제품 다양화에 나섰지요. 과일 동결건조 스낵을 포함, 첨가제를 넣지 않으면서도 보관이 쉽고 맛이 오랫동안 보존되는 여러가지 식품을 생산합니다.
Why so special?
You are free from looking for a clean ginger, washing, peeling and chopping it. A drop of water will turn a tablet into a well ground, fresh ginger. Save your cooking time.