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The More Food

Sweet Potato Chip Basachago (Pack of 5)

Sweet Potato Chip Basachago (Pack of 5)

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더모어푸드 바삭하고

Regular price $18.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 USD
Sale Sold out
  • Process: 100% Korea Sweet Potato

Net Weight: 200g

Storage Method:  Best within 2 years from manufacturing date.  Store in a cool, dry place and consume immediately when opened.


The More Foods is a startup food company offering delicious treats made from sweet potatoes that not only taste great but are good for you. Sweet Potato Chips Basachago, Basachago with Milk, and Baked Sweet Potato Powder are some of their best sellers.

더모어푸드는 건강과 맛 두가지를 모두 잡은 고구마 가공 식품을 선보이는 젊은 회사입니다.  대표제품으로는 바삭하고, 우유랑 바삭하고, 구운고구마분말 등이 있습니다. 


You can have your cake and eat it too. Well, sweet potato chips to be exact.  The trending snack Basachago that is winning the hearts of younger generation foodies in Korea not only tastes great with an end-of-this-world texture, but it’s good for you too, being made from 100% sweet potatoes.  The name says it all, as “basak” in Korean means “crispy.”  Thinly sliced sweet potatoes are baked to a crisp, not fried, to reduce calories and preserve their natural texture, in order to get that ultimate crispiness to live up to its title.  Crush them into small pieces and have them with milk as an alternative to cereal, or add them to yogurt to make every mouthful more exciting.  We all know what an excellent food source sweet potatoes are, so with its added fun texture, Basachago can become your go-to snack when trying to lose some pounds.  You may wonder if any sweeteners have been added because of its rather sweet taste, but checking the ingredients on the label will tell you that there are zero additives and it’s 100% all sweet potatoes.


건강하면서도 ‘식감’과 ‘맛’이 향상된 과자 선택지가 넓어져 즐거운 요즘이에요.  요즘 한국에서는 젊은 여성층을 완전히 사로잡은 고구마 과자가 핫이슈인데요, 바로 바삭함의 끝판왕인 한국산 고구마 100%의 ‘바삭하고’ 입니다.  고구마를 넓게 편을 썬 후 표면의 질감을 살려 바싹 구웠어요.  마치 튀긴 듯 바삭하지만 구워낸 제품이라 칼로리가 부담스럽지 않고, 잘게 부셔서 우유에 시리얼 대용으로 넣어 먹거나 요거트에 크런치한 식감을 더하기도 좋죠.  모두들 아시다시피 고구마는 다이어트할 때 굉장히 좋은 식품인데요.  ‘바삭하고’는 고구마 100%에 씹는 식감까지 만족시켜주기 때문에 다이어트할 때도 도움이 될 것 같네요.  당도가 진한 편이라 혹시 감미료가 들었나하고 뒷 라벨을 보게 될 정도지만 역시 첨가물 0% 고구마 100%를 확인했답니다.  

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