Woongchi village
Rice Crisps
Rice Crisps
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찐 쌀강정
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Sweet and savory rice crisps are a snack that everyone loves. Made with Korean glutinous brown rice and peanuts, our bite-sized glutinous brown rice crisps are perfect for when you're feeling snacky. Keep them handy and enjoy one whenever you're craving something delicious!
고소한 강정은 누구나 좋아하는 간식이에요. 한국산 찐 쌀과 땅콩으로 만들어진 한입 사이즈 쌀땅콩 강정으로 어딘지 입이 심심할때마다 하나씩 꺼내드세요.
Rice, Rice syrup (Jocheong), Peanuts, Black Sesame seeds (Korean 100% )
No preservatives
No artificial flavor/color
**It contains peanut, Sesame seeds
Storage Method: Store away from direct sunlight in a cool and dry place. Please consume the product as soon as possible after opening.
Net Weight: 200g (7.05oz)
재료: 쌀, 조청, 땅콩, 검은 참깨 ( 한국산 100%)
보관 방법: 직사광선을 피하고 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관하세요. 개봉 후에는 가급적 빨리 드시길 권장합니다.
Made with locally grown rice and peanuts from Woongchi Village, this steamed rice snack is the perfect healthy treat. The soft, steamed rice is combined with homemade rice syrup, mixed with crunchy peanuts and sesame seeds, creating a crispy, nutty, and naturally sweet snack that delivers a satisfying bite.
Crafted into bite-sized pieces, these rice crisps are ideal for all ages—children, adults, and seniors alike. The delightful contrast of soft and crunchy textures makes this snack stand out, offering a unique and enjoyable experience. The natural sweetness of the rice syrup, paired with the rich, nutty flavor of the grains, ensures you’ll feel fully satisfied with every bite.
Free from artificial additives and preservatives, this wholesome snack preserves the nutritional value of whole grains, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Whether you're snacking between meals or sharing with friends and family, these rice crisps are the ideal option for those who seek a delicious, nutritious snack that’s both guilt-free and satisfying.
웅치 마을에서 직접 재배한 쌀과 땅콩으로 만든 찐쌀강정은 건강을 생각한 간식이에요. 부드럽게 찐 쌀에 직접 만든 쌀 조청을 더하고, 고소한 땅콩과 참깨를 더해 바삭한 식감에 고소하고 깊은 맛이 어우러져 입안 가득 만족감을 선사하며, 자연스러운 단맛을 자랑하는 강정이 탄생했지요.
한입에 쏙 들어가는 작은 사이즈로 어린아이들부터 어르신들까지 누구나 좋아하는 쌀 강정은, 부드럽고 바삭한 식감의 조화가 특별한 매력을 주지요. 쌀 조청의 은은한 단맛과 곡물의 고소한 맛이 어우러져 한 입 먹으면 만족감을 가득 느낄 수 있습니다.
인공 첨가물이나 방부제가 전혀 포함되지 않은 온전한 곡물의 영양을 담아낸 맛있고 건강한 간식으로, 건강한 라이프스타일을 추구하는 이들에게 완벽한 간식이 될거에요
Woongchi Village Farmers' Cooperative is a community of local farmers in Namwon, located at the foothills of Jirisan Mountain, where residents grow and harvest crops with great care and dedication. Unlike other regions with large-scale rice paddies, Woongchi Village focuses primarily on field crops. The village’s farming community consists mostly of older residents, who cultivate the easiest and most resilient crops suited to the local environment.
The Woongchi Village Farmers' Cooperative grows a variety of high-quality, sustainable crops, including corn, black beans (Jinuniko), peanuts, rice, and black sesame seeds—all of which are hand-planted and harvested by the community.
The Woongchi Village Farmers' Cooperative prides itself on producing fresh, healthy, and high-quality agricultural products. It is dedicated to sustainable farming practices that respect the local environment and uphold the traditions of the village. By focusing on locally grown, organic grains and legumes, the cooperative provides consumers with wholesome and authentic products that are both healthy and environmentally friendly.
Perfect for health-conscious consumers, these farm-fresh products offer the taste of tradition while supporting sustainable agriculture and community-driven farming. Whether you're looking for nutritious snacks or high-quality traditional grains, Woongchi Village’s products are an excellent choice for anyone who values quality, sustainability, and local craftsmanship
웅치마을 영농회는 지리산자락 남원의 지역 주민들이 직접 재배하고 정성껏 수확하는 농업 공동체입니다. 웅치마을은 밭농사가 중심인 지역으로, 고령화된 주민들이 가장 쉽게 재배할 수 있는 농작물을 중심으로 농사를 짓고 있지요.
웅치마을 주민들은 주로 옥수수, 쥐눈이콩, 땅콩, 쌀, 검정참깨 등 6가지 곡물을 재배하며, 모든 농작물은 주민들이 직접 손수 재배하고 수확하여 생산하고 있어요. 웅치마을 영농회는 지역 주민들의 정성으로 재배한 건강하고 신선한 농산물을 계속해서 제공할수 있도록 지속 가능한 농업을 실천하고 있답니다.