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Organic Rice Powder Frying Batter Mix (300g)

Organic Rice Powder Frying Batter Mix (300g)

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청오 국산 유기농 쌀 튀김가루

Regular price $7.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.95 USD
Sale Sold out
  • Brand & Artisan: Chung-O is best known for its sprout grain and powder mix, and organic food products 
  • Process: Every organic grain and seed is washed 3-5 times. Organic Agricultural Products Certification (농림축산식품부 유기가공식품 인증). HACCP Certification.

Product delivered to you will be at least three months from expiration date unless on sale.


Chung-O is the pioneer of Korean organic movement.  Since 1993 when it started as a baby food company, Chung-O team traveled to every corner in Korea to convince farmers to grow organic crops.  Now all of over 100 contracted farms supply organically and environment-friendly grown crops. All of the farms are at least pesticide-free for at least three years.

Every sprout grain and seed from Chung-O is washed 3-5 times to ensure they are super clean.

Why so special? 

Chung-O believes food is at best in its most natural state, providing abundant nutrition for us.  That’s why Chung-O invests passionately in its technology to process ingredients with maximum benefit at minimum harm.  Seeds and grains are packed with important nutrients for the body, especially when they are sprouted.


Crunchy shrimp tempura and seafood pajeon are popular with all ages.  Chung-O Organic Rice Powder Frying Batter Mix is made using only Korean organic rice, wheat flour and natural ingredients from Korea.  This is the healthy choice for enjoying traditional Korean cuisines with the whole family.

바삭바삭한 새우튀김이나 해물파전들은 남녀노소 모두에게 인기있는 음식들이죠?  평소 큰 고민없이 부침가루나 튀김가루를 구매하셨다면 한 번쯤 원재료들을 확인해보세요.  청오건강의 유기농 쌀 부침가루과 튀김가루는 오직 한국산 유기농 쌀과 밀가루 그리고 한국의 천연재료들만을 사용해 만들었습니다.  우리 가족이 먹을 부침요리/튀김요리를 건강한재료로 건강하게 즐겨보세요.

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