Farmers in Gwanghwa Island
Organic Charm Dream [100% Korean Rice; Freshly Milled in New York]
Organic Charm Dream [100% Korean Rice; Freshly Milled in New York]
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유기농 참드림
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Organic-certified Charm Dream from Gan ghwa Island in Korea is soft, sweet, very chewy and makes a perfect pair with seaweed and fish.
Ingredients: 100% organic Charm Dream rice from Ganghwa Island
Net Weight: Varies with selection
Allergy warning: None
Storage Method:
Please keep this rice in the refrigerator. Our farmers use a little amount of pesticide and skip the smokey pesticide process which eliminates even bug eggs. Storing the rice in a moist or warm area can possibly hatch rice eggs that are not removed because of the farmers minimal processing. Storage in the refrigerator will also maintain the freshness.
쌀은 냄새를 흡수하는 성질도 강해요. 주변에 조리해 놓은 국냄비나 손질한 음식재료, 참기름, 세제 등 강한 냄새를 풍기는 것과는 거리를 유지해 주세요. 밀폐 용기에 담아 냉장보관하시는 것을 최우선으로 추천드려요.
Charm Dream has been one of the favorite rice varieties of moms and chefs. It’s soft, sticky, sweet and chewy making a great pair with seaweed or fish. Kim’C Market is happy to introduce the Organic-certified Charm Dream carefully grown by young farmers in Ganghwa Island in the west of Seoul. We import Charm Dream brown rice, then mill it according to customers’ milling preference. Enjoy the premium, single origin, single variety, organic Charm Dream in the freshest way.
많은 분들의 사랑을 받는 참드림의 유기농 버전. 비옥한 강화도의 논에서 자라나는 유기농 참드림은 경기도농업기술원에서 개발했어요. 프리미엄 쌀의 기준 중 하나인 담백질 함량이 낮고, 부드러움과 찰진 느낌이 많이 나지요. 식사용 밥으로는 물론이고 김밥이나 초밥으로서도 무척 잘 어울립니다. 밥알이 하나 하나 살아있어요. 씹으면 씹을수록 쌀 특유의 은근한 단맛을 느낄 수 있어요. 밥맛이 입안에서 오랫동안 감돌아 밥 먹는 재미를 되찾으실 수 있을거에요.
Cooking Rice On Stovetop
We usually cook our rice (water about 3/4 to 1 inch higher than the rice/a little more water for brown rice) on the stovetop by bringing the rice to a boil without the lid. Once boiling, lower the heat and cover with the lid for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and leave to the side for another 10 minutes.
Ganghwa Island has been known to produce high quality rice. Young farmers in the islet started growing Organic Charm Dream - a premium rice variety developed by the Gyeonggi Provincial Agricultural Research Institute. The land’s soil, water and climate are ideal to grow excellent rice.
밥맛 좋은 쌀로 유명한 강화도는 벼의 성장을 돕는 기후, 맑은 물, 우수한 토질 등을 모두 갖췄지요. 그 섬의 젊은 농부들이 정성껏 키워 재배하는 유기농 참드림. 경기도농업기술원이 종자를 개발해 지역 농가에 보급하는데 도내 농가의 소득 증가에 크게 기여하고 있어요.
![Organic Charm Dream [100% Korean Rice; Freshly Milled in New York] - Kim'C Market](
![Organic Charm Dream [100% Korean Rice; Freshly Milled in New York] - Kim'C Market](
![Organic Charm Dream [100% Korean Rice; Freshly Milled in New York] - Kim'C Market](