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Choicest Meal

Thank-You Less Sweet Ssamjang (250g)

Thank-You Less Sweet Ssamjang (250g)

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고맙당 저당 쌈장

Regular price $16.50 USD
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Ssamjang is a Korean sauce that fuses the spice of Gochujang with the savor of Doenjang (soybean paste). You normally see it at Korean BBQ places. This ssamjang is made of carefully chosen ingredients without refined sugar.

설탕 사용 없이 건강한 원료로 만든 저당 쌈장은 고기 뿐만 아니라 다른 음식과도 잘 어울립니다.


Since opening in Seoul’s Sindang-dong neighborhood in 1965, “Choicest Meal” has been cherished nationwide for its authentic gochujang and doenjang, made with the loving touch of a grandmother’s recipe. Even when Korea was poor and rice was scarce, she insisted on using only the best ingredients and continued to use rice in her jang making, believing that quality is everything. Inspired by her dedication, Choicest Meal still continues to craft excellent sauces with carefully selected Korean ingredients. Today, the company is expanding its offerings to include low-sugar sauces and innovative twists on traditional Korean condiments, bringing even more flavor to your table.

1965년 서울 신당동에 문을 연 ‘특별한 맛'은 할머니의 손맛을 담아 만든 고추장과 된장을 선보이며 오랫동안 전국적으로 사랑을 받아왔지요. 쌀이 귀하던 시절에도 음식은 재료가 가장 중요하다며 쌀 고추장을 고집했던 할머니의 신념처럼, 꼼꼼히 엄선한 재료들로만으로 믿을 수 있는 장을 만듭니다. 이제는 당 함량이 낮은 장과 전통 장을 재해석한 소스류까지 함께 선보이며 장의 영역을 더욱 확장해 나가는 중이지요. 


We happily introduce Choicest Meal’s Less-Sweet Ssamjang, made with the same love and attention to detail that made our Sindang-dong grandmother’s recipes so beloved. It starts with traditional Korean doenjang, made from locally grown soybeans, and blends it with the popular no-sweet Thank-You Gochujang in just the right balance. The deep, savory flavor is enhanced by minced garlic, shiitake mushroom powder, and sesame oil, and the producer used allulose—a naturally occurring low-calorie sweetener—instead of sugar for a gentle hint of sweetness.

Crafted with carefully chosen ingredients and lower in sweetness, this ssamjang is a perfect match for a variety of dishes. Try it with tuna, onions, and more for a satisfying, flavorful twist.

  • Ingredients: Doenjang (soybean paste) 41.6% made of Korean soybeans, Korean salt, and purified water, Allulose, Thank-You Gochujang 12.5% made of Korean red chili powder, Korean soy sauce, chopped garlic, shiitake mushroom powder, sesame oil

  • Net Weight: 250g (8.8 oz)

  • Allergy Information: This product contains soybeans and sesame oil.

  • Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep refrigerated after opening.

신당동 할머니의 손맛을 담아 만든 저당 쌈장을 소개합니다. 한국산 콩으로 만든 한식된장에 고추장을 황금 비율로 배합해 만들었지요. 국산 다진 마늘과 표고버섯 가루, 참기름으로 감칠맛을 내고 설탕 대신 알룰로스를 사용해 은은한 단맛을 더했습니다. 꼼꼼히 엄선한 재료만으로 만들었을 뿐만 아니라, 당 함량까지 낮으니 안심하고 드실 수 있습니다. 다양한 요리에 어울려요. 참치, 양파 등을 더해 든든한 다이어트 쌈장으로 활용해도 좋아요.

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