Father's Hill
Jeju Organic Mandarien Jam
Jeju Organic Mandarien Jam
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아빠랑 제주 유기농 귤잼
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Father Hill’s jams are all made with 100% Korean ingredients and with 0 added sugar.
Ingredients: All natural, locally farmed grains and domestically produced Korean Jeju Tangerine
Brand: Father Hill’s consists of four people in Goheung, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
Net Weight: 220g
Best Use: Enjoy as an easy spread on bread or mixed in with yogurt. The jams are a softer texture, which makes it easy to blend into drinks as well. Product delivered to you will be at least three months from expiration date unless on sale.
With absolutely no sugar added to Father’s Hill products, the jams consist of the finest nutrition without compromising on taste. The jams are sweetened with the company’s famous grain syrup made only from rice and barley. The sweetness comes from the natural sugar extraction that occurs through organic grain condensation.
Jeju Oraganic Tangerine
The Tangerine is from Jeju island. A good use case for this Tangerine jam is mixing it in warm water in winter time to make a citrus tea or just spread it to bread.
한국산 곡물로 13시간 이상 응축해 얻어내는 천연 곡물당은 전통식품 ‘조청'의 생산 방식과 동일한데요. 시럽처럼 묽어서 어디에든 사용하기 간편해요. 이러한 곡물당과 잘 어울리는 과일인 딸기, 포도, 블루베리, 무화과, 유자로 무설탕 잼을 만들었고, 특히 자색고구마맛은 잼으로는 물론, 따뜻한 우유에 녹여 라떼로도 즐길 수 있어서 ‘자색 고구마 라떼' 로 이름 붙여졌지요. 한국 국내산 과일과 곡물로 만든 무설탕 건강한 잼을 김씨마켓을 통해 미국에서 받아보세요. 빵, 요거트, 시리얼, 오트밀등 좋아하는 아침식사에 건강한 단맛, 다채로운 과일맛, 골라먹는 재미까지 즐겨보세요.
유기농 제주 감귤잼
쌀과 보리로만 만든 곡물당을 100% 한국 제주산 유기농 감귤로 만든 잼에 넣은 딸기잼 입니다. 타사 잼에는 빠지지 않는 설탕과 팩틴(응고제)이 전혀 들어 있지 않고, 오직 한국산 유기농 감귤과 곡물당만 들어있는 건강한 잼 입니다.
Father Hill’s was started by a young father, Juho, who wanted to create ingredients and products that his sick daughter Nahee could eat. Nahee was born with severe eczema and his father dedicated his time and effort to find all organic cures for her. He quit his engineering job at a semiconductor company and moved the family south to his hometown, Goheung.
Juho believed Nahee’s skin condition could be alleviated through her diet so began farming organic grains and ingredients. This was the inspiration and inception of the traditional grain syrup found in Father Hill’s jams: made with all natural ingredients and absolutely no additives. The sweetness comes from fruits and the natural sugar created by boiling Korean grains for more than 13 hours into a traditional syrup called Jocheong; a simple syrup with multiple use cases.
With Juho’s clean hometown environment and the lack of sugar consumption, Nahee, now 13 and in high spirits, has almost been totally cured of her eczema! Because of this success, Juho started Father Hill’s in 2013 to share his organic products and grain syrup with those also looking for clean healthy alternatives. The company has received the HAACP (Korean safety management certification) and remains dedicated to clean healthy local ingredients. The company logo is a drawing done by Nahee herself, keeping the focus of health and happiness as the company’s north star.
딸이 먹고 싶은 것을 마음껏 먹을 수 있으면 좋겠다’는 생각 하나로 시작한아빠랑 Father’s Hill은 순수한 첫마음을 간직한, 믿을 수 있는 곳이에요. HACCP(안전관리인증)을 받아 안전성에도 신뢰가 가지요. 이제는 가족 모두가 즐길 수 있도록 곡물당으로 만든 무설탕 과일잼, 고구마 라떼 등 다양한 제품을 선보입니다과일 포함 모든 원료가 한국산이에요.
When his daughter Nahee was born with severe eczema, a young father Juho went through strenuous measures, making lifestyle changes to free his child from her skin condition. Going through anxious days with no signs of her recovery, he abandoned his engineering job at a semiconductor chip maker and moved his family south to his hometown Goheung.
Juho began farming organic grains thinking they would help Nahee. Conscious about her eating, the father also started making traditional grain syrup to replace sugar. Being surrounded by the town’s clean environment and consuming no more sugar, Nahee, now 13, is happy now that her eczema is almost gone.
Juho created Father’s Hill in 2013 to share his grain syrup and other organic products he loves. The company logo is a drawing by Nahee.