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Honey Chestnuts (Pack of 3)

Honey Chestnuts (Pack of 3)

SELL BY 03/09/2025

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또또맘 촉촉 꿀밤

Regular price $9.95 USD
Regular price $13.50 USD Sale price $9.95 USD
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Chestnuts are a common snack in Korea. Because of their sweet but nutty taste, they are enjoyed among kids and adults, usually roasted and bagged with honey like this.

Ingredients: Chestnut (99%) (Harvested in Korea), Sugar, Honey (0.05%)

Net Weight: 50g *3 (Pack of 3)

Storage Method:  Store in a cool and dry place.


Ddoddomom is an industry leader in eco-friendly products with leading edge manufacturing technology and facilities.  Ddoddomom’s manufacturing facility is built to meet the highest international food manufacturing standards, equipped with HEPA filters to maintain clean air and the latest packaging technology that prevents foreign substances from entering the package.  Ddoddomom’s supplier, Yangpyung’s organic rice has passed standards set by Organic Certification Center and Korean Agricultural Technology Center.

또도맘은 친환경 제품의 선도주자로, 최첨단 제조 기술과 시설을 갖추고 있습니다. 또도맘의 제조 시설은 최고 수준의 국제 식품 제조 기준을 충족하도록 설계되었으며, HEPA 필터를 통해 청정한 공기를 유지하고 최신 포장 기술을 도입하여 이물질이 포장에 들어가지 않도록 방지하고 있습니다. 또도맘의 공급업체인 양평의 유기농 쌀은 유기농 인증센터와 한국농업기술센터에서 정한 기준을 통과하였습니다.


For a nutritious and indulgent snack for children, Ddoddo mom’s Moist Honey Chestnuts are an exceptional choice. Sourced from the esteemed Jirisan mountains, each chestnut is meticulously peeled and gently boiled to perfection, then delicately infused with pure Korean honey. The result is a delectably moist and flavorful treat that seamlessly combines health and taste.

Individually wrapped for utmost convenience, these chestnuts are perfect for a refined snack experience whether at home or on the go. With every bite, the exquisite balance of sweetness and nutty richness unfolds, offering a delightful treat that appeals to both children and grown ups.

아이들을 위한 건강하고 부드러운 간식을 찾고 계신가요?  그렇다면 또또맘의 촉촉 꿀밤을 추천드려요. 또또맘은 품질좋은 지리산 밤을 선별하여 껄집을 벗긴 뒤 먹기 좋게 삶은뒤, 한국산  꿀에 담가 건강한 단맛과 촉촉한 식감을 더해 주었어요.  소포장으로 언제 어디선 간편하게 퓨대할수 있답니다. 씹을 수록 달콤함과 고소함이 전해주어 아이뿐 아니라 어른들게도 좋은 간식이 될거에요.

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