Ginger Extract (Sell by 10/26/2024)
Ginger Extract (Sell by 10/26/2024)
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서가 생강청
Only 4 left in stock!
Seoga's ginger extract is made using the royal palace’s method with a chewy texture.
서가의 생강청은 궁중방식을 따라 쫀득한 식감을 살려 만들어 냈어요.
- Ginger 28% (Korea), Sugar, Apple 18% (Korea), sugar cane powder, Cinnamon
- 생강 28% (한국산) , 설탕, 사과 18%(한국산), 사탕수수가루, 계피
Net Weight: 280g
Store at room temperature in a well-ventilated, cool, and dry place away from exposure to direct sunlight. After opening, store in a refrigerator.
Seoga wants to keep Korean traditional cuisine passed down from the royal family.
With the heart of serving the king with the most precious ingredients in the royal palace, Seoga is making snacks with clean Korean ingredients, a production method handed down from generation to generation, and 100 hours of dedication. They never use preservatives, artificial sweeteners, or artificial colors, and only 100% Korean ingredients. Feel the old-fashioned style of the Korean royal palace with Seoga that have continued.
서가는 궁중의 전통 음식을 이어나가고자 하는 마음으로 시작했어요. 궁중에서 가장 귀한 재료로 임금님께 올리는 수라상을 차리는 마음으로, 깨끗한 한국산 재료와 대대로 이어진 제조방법, 그리고 100시간의 정성으로 간식을 만들고 있어요. 방부제, 인공감미료, 인공색소는 절대 사용하시 않고 100% 한국산 원료를 사용하고 있지요. 궁중의 마음을 이어온 ‘서가'로 궁중의 고풍을 느껴보세요.
The chewy texture and consistency were completed by adding chopped ginger once more and brewing ginger extract.
- Only 100% Gyeongju-grown ingredients are made.
- No artificial food additives are used.
- It is carefully made with only 100 hours of waiting.
We recommend to eat such as :
- Mix in warm water and drink it. Even if you mix it in warm water, it is enough to feel the original taste of the ingredients.
- Serve it on top of ice cream, rice cake, bread, etc. You can feel a new taste with the chewy texture and the sweet.
- Take a tablespoonful amount in the morning on an empty stomach without any additions. As it leaves a chewy texture, you can enjoy both the charm of the deep flavor and texture even if you eat it raw.
Highly recommended to those who are looking for a special gift!!!
궁중에서 임금의 약을 관리하던 의원의 정성 그대로 우려낸 생강청은 궁중 방식을 따라 쫀득한 식감을 살렸어요. 잘게 자른 생강을 한번 더 넣고, 생강청을 우려냄으로서 쫀득한 식감과 농도를 완성시켰지요.
이렇게 드시길 추천드려요
특별한 선물을 찾으시는 분 들에게 더욱 추천드려요!!!