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Dried Filefish Fillet (3 pcs in a pack)

Dried Filefish Fillet (3 pcs in a pack)

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바다누리 옛날 조미건취치포

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Ingredients:  dried filefish fillet , salt, sugar, monosodium, glutamate, sorbitol, ginger


마법의 소스를 만들어보세요. 마요네즈 1큰술, 간장 1 작은술, 참기름 조금, 다진 청양고추.

Net Weight: 3.9 oz = 110 g

Storage Method: Store in cool, dry place or store in refrigerated after receiving it for longer storage



Food for everyone

Found in Nature

Over two decades, Badanuri has been specializing in seafood to deliver the best seafood from the sea to your kitchen table. Sticking to the traditional way, all the small batched seafood are dried under the sun and natural breeze in the region where the seafood is from.

20년 넘게 건강한 수산물로 행복한 식탁을 만드는 주식회사 바다누리. 어떠한 인위적 가공없이 오직 자연을 통해서만 소량 생산된 수산물을 산지에서 전통적인 방식으로 최고의 품질만을 골라내어 정성껏 만들어 말리고 최선을 다해 여러분에게 좋은 식품을 제공하지요.


Dried filefish fillet is one of Korean favorites - like beef jerky in America. It is sweet, salty, and chewy. Unlike other cheaper brands that use filefish from other countries, Haemarlin Dried Filefish Filet is made with 100% Korean filefish from Namhae (southern sea of Korea). Each filefish is cleaned, scaled, then fillet by hand. All the fillets are dried and seasoned lightly to make this addictive delicacy. The chewy meat and sweet salty flavor is hard to stay away.

Kim’C Market’s Tip

Dried filefish fillet is one of Korean favorites - like beef jerky in America. It is sweet, salty, and chewy.   Badanuri's seasoned dried filefish fillets are dried thickly and peeling them one by one in Samcheonpo and carefully removing the flesh. Each filefish is cleaned, scaled, then fillet by hand. All the fillets are dried and seasoned lightly to make this addictive delicacy. The chewy meat and sweet salty flavor is hard to stay away.

  1. Pan fry or put in the toaster oven quickly to help get rid of fishness and get crunchy texture.
  2. Make dipping sauce - combine 1 Tablespoon of mayo, 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, few drops of sesame oil and chopped chilli pepper. Yum!


달달하면서 짭조름한 맛에 쫄깃쫄깃한 식감이 별미인 쥐포. 참 좋아하는 간식 중 하나이죠. 비디늘;의 조미쥐치포는 건어물 전문 업체인 바다누리가 삼천포 바다앞에서 일일이 껍질을 벗기고 정성스레 살을 발라내어 도톰하게 말렸습니다. 여기에 맛있게 양념하여 씹을수록 짭짤한 풍미와 쫄깃한 식감 때문에 손을 떼기가 어려울 거에요.

김씨마켓 팁

  1. 쥐포를 살짝 후라이팬이나 토스트오븐에 구우면 비린내도 줄고 바삭한 식감이 아주 좋아요.
  2. 마법의 소스를 만들어보세요. 마요네즈 1큰술, 간장 1 작은술, 참기름 조금, 다진 청양고추.

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