Bohyang Dawon
Organic Mugwort Tea
Organic Mugwort Tea
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보향다원 유기농 쑥차
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- Ingredients: Handpicked organic mugwort
- Producer: More than 80 years at the same tea field by the same family
Best Use:
- Best in the afternoon or evening as this tea is caffeine free
- Let boiled water cool down for a few minutes, then place a little bit of mugwort into the water
Net weight: 30g (1.1 oz)
Storage Method: Room temperature. Store in a cool and dry place.
High humidity and wide daily temperature range make Boseong the most ideal tea growing place in Korea. In the beautiful town, Bohyang Dawon has been growing tea for more than 80 years. In 1937, a farmer Jaehyung Choi began planting tea trees with his son on a hill in Boseong. Now, Joonyong, the fifth generation in the family, is working hard to carry the torch from his ancestors to produce the world’s best tea.
차의 천국 보성은 안개가 많아 습도가 높고 일교차가 심해 명차 산지의 조건을 갖추고 있어요. 그 안에는 1937년부터 80년 넘게 차를 키워 온 보향다원이 있습니다. 4대째인 최영기 현재 대표에 이르러 농장 2만 평에 유기농법으로 농사 짓고 있지요. 지금은 5대째인 최준용 님이 가업을 잇기 위해 땀을 흘리고 있습니다.
Mugwort is a vegetable that creates warmth in your body. Rich in vitamins and minerals, mugwort is commonly used for eastern medicine and even cosmetics. Caffeine free, organic mugwort tea can be your good companion even in the evening for you to relax and reflect the day. Enjoy Organic Mugwort Tea from Bohyang Dawon that has been run for five generations with reputable standing.
- If you can, use clean, filtered water that won’t add any other taste into your tea.
- Boil water then cool it down for a few minutes before you place the mugwort leaves into the water.
- Over steeping tea leads to a bitter cup. For the best taste, steep for 2-3 minutes. The timer on your smartphone is your good friend.
쑥은 따스한 성질을 지닌, 듣기만 해도 기분이 좋아지는 자연 재료에요. 비타민과 무기질 등 영양분이 풍부해 음식 뿐만 아니라 화장품이나 약재로도 많이 이용되지요. 전라남도 보성에서 5대째 차를 키워내는 보향다원에서 우려 마시기 좋은 유기농 쑥차를 선보입니다. 향긋한 고유의 쑥향이 몸을 따뜻하게 해요. 카페인이 없기 때문에 저녁에 드시고 휴식을 취하셔도 아주 좋을 듯 합니다.